NeuroGraphik® - Basic Course
Christa Krahnert, NeuroGraphik® Trainer
Service Description
- Change what you don't like into something you do like. - Success rate of the neurographic method is 98.6%. - Transform blockages such as fear of success, failure, mistakes, criticism, decisions, relationships, love, etc. - Problem or cause research is obsolete. - The old is no longer needed, the new takes its place. - The desired goal rejected by blockages is achieved effortlessly. Here you will learn new ways, new possibilities and new approaches that can joyfully enrich you and your life. White paper, black fineliner and colored pencils and your life can take a completely new turn. CONTENT The basic course is about learning how to use the basic algorithm of NeuroGraphik®. You can start immediately and work on topics of your everyday life. - Introduction to the theory of NeuroGraphik® - Basic principles of NeuroGraphik® - Releasing restrictions, self-sabotage, blockages - Transform unwanted emotions such as fear, worry, sadness, anger and or restrains - Transform negative patterns and blocking beliefs into supportive energy - The 8 steps of the basic algorithm, as a prerequisite for successful application of the method - You'll learn to put your assignments on paper and transform challenges into opportunities The Basic Certified User Course consists of 4 webinars of 2 hours. All participants of the course can become members of the NeuroGraphik® user group. The course will be confirmed with a certificate of the Psychology of Creativity Institute of Pavel Piskarev. Participation in the course does not include authorisation to teach. The course is intended exclusively for active Self Coaching. MATERIAL NEEDED FOR PARTICIPATION • White A4 paper (regular 80-gram paper will suffice) • Occasional white paper in sizes A3 or A2 • Thicker pad (e.g. an A3 pad) • Black fine-liner in various thicknesses (0.5 - 1.0 mm) • A thicker black permanent marker e.g. Edding (presses through, therefore the thicker pad is useful) • Coloured pencils (rainbow colours will do and sharpener) • Highlighters in different colours if you like
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